HACKER ONLINE RPG![[Image: RSZLiDzLMRrS1Id4nR-KwOWP_cXLt-tWV7eNQepD...=w480-h960]](https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/RSZLiDzLMRrS1Id4nR-KwOWP_cXLt-tWV7eNQepD_FUlIlJPSf2mMqp8-VMPRbOmtw=w480-h960)
This is the list of the work i'm doing on your favourite game!!!
I will update this post every time i add a new thing in the code, in the while you can suggest me what to add or what to fix from the previous version.
Help me to make it the best Hacker game ever!!!
Desktop command

IPTV commands

Reset current mission command (suggested by Constantine)

New missions VS big servers.

Shop to sell old hardware.

Hide the command line and icons while a command is executing

Add new viruses and check their bugs.

SD Card hardware say always NONE.

Hardware speed must affect something more.

Each command must have a file with the description inside.

Add PAUSE command.


GG Basic integration.

Users Software SHOPS/BBS or similar to give the possibility to earn GG Coins.

Compress directory command.

Add the news command to show updates and changes.

Gameplay recorder to rec video and share with players

TV Player with real world iptv channels

Animated view that not fill all screen

Virtual desktop with mouse and icons simulation

New missions

World Map of all hackers connected

MAC Version (writing on a mac is better than the pad)
Suggested by Stefaniscion :

Power supply check on downgrade

Output message after CD command will be deleted

Popup for completed missions

More words file names managing or complex file names

Minigames sometimes doesn't close

Command history counter up down fix

LS command alias of DIR

TAB button to try to autocomplete the command or file name (about impossible)

help command in the autoexec.bat for the new users

New software miners to drill out the GGCoins from the victim account

Navigation commands like DIR, CD... could work also on victim computer after connection

Command help with a non existing word give no output

Fix to already bought hardware (mission complete check)
The list will change in every moment...[/b][/b]